Does hard water affect the results of cleaning?

Hard water for the pressure washing contractor has effects on the soaps and detergents. Because soap and detergents are ionic nature, when they dissolve in hard water, each soap molecule reacts with any calcium ions, limits the formation of lather and instead forms precipitates or scum. This scum essentially renders the detergent ineffective, in turn much more soap is needed to clean the surface if used with hard water.

The second major effect with hard water is that when it is heated, it will deposit solid calcium carbonate or lime scale. Scale is a poor heat conductor and in a hot water pressure washers scale insulates water from the coils heat source. For many pressure washers a hot water machine is a necessary time saver, since heat increases the effectiveness of soap and helps break down and dissolve the contaminates they are trying to remove for their customers. The scale produced in their machines when using hard water will very quickly start to reduce the machines effectiveness to heat and maintain hot water as well as restrict water flow in the other pressure washing equipment, even to the point of changing the flow rate Gallons per minute or PSI that the machine should be producing. As flow is restricted it places a heavier strain on the pumps motor which can cause early wear and failure.

Solution: Safe effective cleaners that contain a balance safe and effective water softening agents.

 Von Haas™ is currently working on water softening solutions to support addressing issues often experienced in the field when hard water presents itself. All Von Haas™ products contain ingredients that are designed to counter act the hardest water areas found throughout the country. Von Haas products provide the simplest and cleanest ways to clean a fleet of vehicles, or any desired surface where hard water is commonly present. A water softener additives are able to remove ninety percent of calcium and magnesium from hard water.  When you wash your vehicle fleet with water that has been treated with water softeners, you will notice immediately the vehicles are cleaner without any spots left behind that is caused by the cleaner itself. What we are currently working is a way to treat the rinse stage of the cleaning application where cleaner is not present and surface is subject to hard water only. 


US Hard Water Map

Will current products your using hurt the surrounding vegetation?

When you use high PH products and/or Bleach base solutions it can destroy or damage the surrounding vegetation.


 Pre-wet the area around the desired cleaning area, this will help prevent your vegetation from becoming harmed or burned caused by the high ph of products.  Always test products in an inconspicuous area prior to cleaning the entire surface and always use Green Friendly Cleaners that are PH adjusted to 12.5 or below.